
    • 基本開幕賀詞
    • 英文開幕賀詞
    • 餐飲界開幕賀詞
    • 教育界開幕賀詞
    • 醫護界開幕賀詞
    • 商界開幕賀詞
    • 健身房開幕賀詞
    • 律師事務所開幕賀詞
    • 公司上市祝賀句子
    • 創意賀詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 創意賀詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 賀生男彌月
    • 賀生女彌月
    • 賀生孖子彌月
    • 創意賀詞
    • 新年祝賀詞
    • 中秋祝賀詞
    • 聖誕祝賀句詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 創意賀詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 創意賀詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 創意賀詞
    • 輓聯上下款用詞
    • 父親弔唁詞
    • 母親弔唁詞
    • 岳丈弔唁詞
    • 岳母弔唁詞
    • 兄弟弔唁詞
    • 夫婦弔唁詞
    • 男喪弔唁詞
    • 女喪弔唁詞
    • 輓老年男喪弔唁詞
    • 輓老年女喪弔唁詞
    • 輓中年男喪弔唁詞
    • 輓中年女喪弔唁詞
    • 佛教輓幛弔唁詞
    • 基督教輓幛弔唁詞
    • 道教輓幛弔唁詞
    • 英文弔唁詞
    • 基本賀詞
    • 創意賀詞
    • 榮升祝賀詞
    • 榮退祝賀詞
    • 當選祝福詞
    • 慈善祝福詞
    • 畢業/校慶祝賀
    • 新居入伙祝福詞
    • 展覽慶賀
  • 開張大吉,大展鴻圖
  • 開業之喜,生意興旺
  • 開張大吉,生意紅火
  • 開張大吉! 生意興隆! 客似雲來!
  • 財源滾滾 生意興隆
  • 雄心創大業 壯志寫春秋
  • 東風利市春來有象 生意興隆日進無疆
  • 新張之喜!
  • 開幕誌慶!
  • 大展鴻圖!
  • 開幕誌喜!
  • 財源滾滾!
  • 生意興隆!
  • 鴻猷大展!
  • 萬商雲集!
  • 大業千秋!
  • 駿業宏開!
  • 駿業肇興!
  • 源圖式煥!
  • 駿業日新!
  • 駿業崇隆!
  • 鴻圖大啟!
  • 源遠流長!
  • 源圖永啟!
  • 財源滾滾達三江 生意興隆通四海 生意定會滾滾來 財源肯定不間斷
  • A toast & cheer on your official opening!
  • Congratulations on your business!
  • Heartiest congratulations on your opening.
  • Glad to hear that you are starting your own business after the excellent work experience. My good wishes are always with you!
  • Congratulations on your opening. May the success that has come your way today lead you to a bigger achievement in the years to come!
  • Heartiest congratulations on your opening. Cheers for a better venture ahead! May your business boom and grow with success!
  • Cheers for a better venture ahead! May your business boom and grow with success!
  • Cheers to your success! You deserve a toast as you open a new shop. I know that you spent your full potentials to achieve this success!
  • Congratulations to you and to your new shop. May all your dreams for a prosperous business come true. All the best for your shop!
  • Good luck with your new business! May you reach your goals and have more new shops in the future.
  • Sending our best wishes and warmest congratulations to you on the grand opening of your shop. We are truly proud of you
  • After the hard work and struggles, you finally achieved your success. Congratulations on the grand opening day of your business. May you achieve bigger success in the coming years
  • You finally made it. Congratulations and best wishes. We are proud of your success
  • All the luck for you and your new business. Your hard work paid off and it’s time for a wonderful and joyful celebration
  • Glad to hear that you are starting your own business after the excellent work experience. My good wishes are always with you.
  • Congratulations on your opening. May the success that has come your way today lead you to a bigger achievement in the years to come.
  • Cheers for a better venture ahead! May your business boom and grow with success!
  • Every dreamer is not a doer and every doer is not a dreamer. You have the deadly combination of being a dreamer and a doer. Best wishes on your grand opening.
  • Congratulations to you on becoming your boss. May God bless your business more than you expect.
  • As long as you have hard work in your stride, good luck will always follow.
  • Here’s wishing you all the best in your endeavors in the coming year.
  • You have chosen to do something that many people want to do, but few dare to do. You’re brave beyond belief and you will always have my support. Good luck with your new business.
  • Congratulation! We're very proud of you.
  • Best wishes for the grand opening of your business! May it be a huge success and bring you prosperity.
  • Congratulations on your grand opening.Here's to a successful grand opening and a prosperous future ahead! Wishing you the best of luck.
  • Warmest congratulations on the opening of your new business. Wishing you great success and fulfillment.
  • Cheers for a better venture ahead!
  • May your business flourish and thrive in the years to come!
  • Congratulations on the opening of your new venture! Wishing you all the best in this exciting new chapter.
  • 生意興隆 客似雲來
  • 開幕誌慶 賓客如雲
  • 高朋滿座
  • 天廚妙饌
  • 唇齒留香
  • 醇酒佳餚
  • 飛觴暢飲
  • 賓至如歸
  • 煮茗談心
  • 一室生香
  • 百里飄香
  • 桃李滿門 樂育英才
  • 春風化雨 桃李芬芳
  • 杏壇之光 百年樹人
  • 桃李滿門 宏揚師道
  • 因材施教 一絲不苟
  • 言傳身教 諄諄教誨
  • 誨人不倦 言傳身教
  • 教導有方 盡心盡力
  • 樂育英才
  • 桃李芬芳
  • 敦品勵學
  • 師恩永懷
  • 良師興國
  • 嘉惠學子
  • 醫術精湛 得心應手
  • 仁心良術 華佗再世
  • 功同良相 濟世功深
  • 杏林春暖 博愛濟群
  • 妙手回春 良相良醫
  • 病人福音 聖手仁心
  • 功著杏林 回生有術
  • 華陀妙術 濟世功深
  • 德施仁術 妙手回春
  • 濟世活人
  • 著手成春
  • 博愛濟群
  • 杏林之光
  • 懸壺濟世
  • 仁心慧眼
  • 駿業鴻圖,鴻猷大展,首領群商
  • 實業昌隆,駿業鴻發,通商惠工
  • 廣興實業,生財有道,同業楷模
  • 群工之首,鴻圖大展,大業千秋
  • 商戰稱雄!
  • 開張誌慶 客群滿滿
  • 大業千秋
  • 生意興隆
  • 近悅遠來
  • 財源滾滾
  • 精通六法 能言善道
  • 法理精湛 所向披靡
  • 不畏權勢 主持公道
  • 義正嚴辭 百戰百勝
  • 能言善道 所向披靡
  • 正大光明 所向披靡
  • 官司纏身 百戰百勝
  • 法界新秀 不卑不亢
  • 激濁揚清 大義千秋
  • 能言善道
  • 律法精通
  • 辯知閎達
  • 恭喜貴公司成功上市!在新的一年裡大展宏圖!
  • 恭喜貴公司成功上市,踏上新的旅程,願貴公司在未來的日子蒸蒸日上,屢創佳績!
  • 恭喜貴公司成功上市,願您的業務更上一層樓,創造出更輝煌的未來!
  • 恭喜公司成功上市,願您的事業越來越紅火,蒸蒸日上,再創輝煌!
  • 熱烈祝賀XXX有限公司於港交所成功上市!
  • 祝您生意興隆通四海,財源茂盛達三江。
  • 熱烈祝賀貴司成功上市,願事業一帆風順,輝煌騰達。
  • 恭喜貴公司成功上市,蓬勃發展,成為業界的佼佼者!
  • 祝愿贵公司蓬勃发展,日胜一日!
  • 恭祝您的事業蒸蒸日上
  • 生意定會滾滾來、財源肯定不間斷!
  • 一賀你財源廣進 二賀你生意興隆 三賀你開張大吉 四賀你客似雲來 五賀你五福臨門
  • 願今年財神爺幫您招財進寶!
  • 祝福貴店開業大吉。 生意紅紅火火!日進斗金啊!
  • 生意如同春意滿,財源更比流水長!
  • 生意開張了,祝願你的生意財源滾滾,如日中天,興旺發達,開張大吉啊!
  • 開業之喜,生意興旺 根深葉茂無疆業、源遠流長有道財!
  • 東風利市春來有象、生意興隆日進無疆!
  • 新店開張喜喜慶、熱熱鬧鬧吉兆頭!
  • 祝你生意好,萬事無煩惱!
  • 祝你財源廣進,賓客趕不跑!
  • 財源滾滾達三江,生意興隆通四海
  • 恭喜你踏上老闆之路,祝業務蒸蒸日上!
  • 創業之時,便是發達之時! 開張大吉!
  • 恭喜你又開新分店,多多分店等着你!
  • Yo!!開張啦!發達啦!洗乜驚呀?
  • 恭喜你開張大吉 祝你勁過劉比,惦過諸葛亮,千秋基業等緊你"
  • 開呀開,開張啦! 發呀發,發達啦! 開得好,發得鬼馬, 可稱霸只有你!
  • 恭賀新張喜慶 生意興隆 贏盡全行
  • 鴻圖大展 裕業有孚
  • 祝生意興隆、 財源廣進、 開店大吉、 萬事呈祥!
  • 敬賀開張 並祝吉祥
  • 開幕誌慶 賓客如雲
  • 東風利市春來有象 生意興隆日進無疆
  • 生意興隆紅似火, 財源廣進如泉涌!
  • 幽香拂面,紫氣兆祥, 慶開業典禮, 祝生意如春濃,財源似水來!
  • 開張誌慶 妳真的很強,讚讚讚!
  • 喬遷之喜!
  • 榮遷之喜!
  • 鶯遷喬木!
  • 高第鶯遷!
  • 煥然一新!
  • 喬遷之喜,大展鴻圖
  • Congrats on your new home!
  • You’re finally settling down!
  • Relocation Celebration!
  • Congratulations on your relocation!
  • Happy Housewarming!
  • Congratulations on your opening. May the success that has come your way today lead you to a bigger achievement in the years to come!
  • Heartiest congratulations on your opening!
  • Cheers for a better venture ahead! May your business boom and grow with success!
  • 新人新居,歡歌笑語。三陽日照平安宅,五福星臨吉慶門!
  • 遷入新宅吉祥如意,搬進高樓福壽安康!
  • 擇里仁為美,安居德有鄰!
  • 喬遷大喜平安幸福 ,良辰吉日慶喬遷!
  • 喬遷喜天地人共喜,新居榮福祿壽全榮!
  • 開業和遷居都是值得祝福的,無論如何,這都是一個新的開始,用自己的真誠祝朋友遷居開業愉快!
  • 喬遷之喜祝福你,真誠祝福做賀禮:用快樂鋪成瓷磚,用幸福貼成壁紙,用美滿做家具,用溫馨當電器,好運天天伴隨你!
  • 為你祝福,為你歡笑,在你喬遷的今天,只要你笑臉與明天的陽光一樣燦爛!我也跟你一樣的歡騰、快樂!
  • 快高長大!
  • 健康活潑!
  • 聰明伶俐!
  • 聽教聽話!
  • 肥肥白白!
  • 天資聰敏!
  • 人見人愛!
  • 恭喜! 恭喜! 祝小寶寶健康成長,平安快樂!
  • 恭喜!祝福你的寶貝健康又幸福
  • 恭喜大帥哥 / 大美人誕生!祝福他健健康康,一生快樂!
  • 願您茁壯成長, 一生平安快樂!
  • Welcome to the world little one!
  • Wishing you a lifetime of happiness, laughter and joy!
  • Wishing you and your newborn many years of good health, love, and happiness!
  • Wishing you much happiness as you welcome your new little bundle of joy into your family!
  • Wishing you the very best of luck with your new baby and your new life as a family!
  • This is a beautiful time in your life that you will never forget. The birth of your child is something that changes you indefinitely!
  • I hope you have a happy and healthy journey ahead of your family. Congratulations!
  • All the best to your delivery!
  • Congratulations! I wish the baby grow up healthy, safe and happy!
  • Welcome to the world and we all look forward to meeting you soon! We wish you a lifetime of happiness and health to come!
  • Congratulations What wonderful news about your new little baby! I know she will bring many blessings to your life. Congratulations and blessings for you and your family.
  • You will be a mother, your baby will grow bigger every day, let us share your happiness, wish you and your baby healthy, we hope to send a special greeting on this Badyshower Party, we love you
  • Congratulations Congrats on the first arrival of your new baby boy! May your son fills your life with joy and love!
  • Congratulations on the birth of your son! May God bless you all with lots of love, joy, and laughter.
  • Congratulations on the safe arrival of your newest family member! May you cherish this special time and may it be filled with lots of joyous memories.
  • Congratulations on the safe arrival of your newest family member! May your new role as proud parents be filled with much joy and happiness. All the best!
  • You two deserve every bit of happiness this baby is going to bring you
  • Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! I’m so happy for you, you will both be amazing parents
  • Congratulations on your new arrival. Good luck on your greatest adventure yet
  • Congratulations on the birth of your kid ! May God bless you all with lots of love, joy, and laughter.
  • Wishing you and your newborn many years of good health, love, and happiness!
  • Congratulations on the safe arrival of your newest family member! May your new role as proud parents be filled with much joy and happiness. All the best!
  • May your precious newborn baby brings happiness to the world and special joy to you! Congratulations for newborn baby!
  • 恭喜恭喜! 天賜石麟 德門生輝 弄璋之喜!
  • 弄璋之喜!
  • 天賜石麟!
  • 熊夢徵祥!
  • 喜獲麟兒!
  • 德門生輝!
  • 石麟呈彩!
  • 百子圖開!
  • So happy for you two! That’s going to be one lucky baby.
  • 玉勝之喜!
  • 明珠入掌!
  • 弄瓦誌喜!
  • 綠鳳新雛!
  • 弄璋徵祥!
  • 女界增輝!
  • 輝增彩悅!
  • 雙璋之喜!
  • 歡迎小王子!
  • 歡迎小公主!
  • 我真係恭喜你呀!
  • 恭喜你多左位新成員!
  • 恭喜你做左爸媽呀! 有得訓好訓啦!湊BB好辛苦嫁!
  • 你都有今日啦! 係時候還債啦!但都恭喜你呀! 祝小寶寶快高長大!
  • 恭喜! 恭喜! 祝小寶寶健康成長,平安快樂!
  • 寶貝祝福的每一天都如畫一樣的美麗!生日快樂!
  • 一支蠟燭,一個心願,一份真情,祝你生日快樂!
  • 寶貝祝福的每一天都如畫一樣的美麗! 生日快樂!
  • 當上帝將你賜予我們的之時,幸運與你同時降臨!
  • Congratulations!
  • Welcome to The New Arrival!
  • Welcome, Little Prince!
  • Congratulations on a new baby!
  • Welcome, Little Princess!
  • Congratulations! I wish the baby grow up healthy, safe and happy!
  • Every day is a beautiful day! Happy birthday!
  • Congratulations! I wish you a very happy one-month birthday, long and healthy life as you grow. God bless you!
  • You are a wonderful gift from God. As we celebrate your first full month of life, may your life be richly blessed, and may you live long and longer to celebrate your 100th birthday! Happy full moon!
  • How glad I would be when I stand with you to celebrate your first-year birthday. Keep on growing strong and healthy! Happy one-month old birthday!
  • May God's blessings continue to shine on you today, tomorrow and beyond!
  • May God be with you to see more healthy months!
  • This month being your special month brings lots of memories into my mind. I look forward to seeing you celebrate your 100th birthday soon!
  • 恭喜添丁!
  • 寶寶妳好! 感謝妳的誕生
  • 衷心祝贺寶貝誕生與祝福!
  • BB + 爸媽 = 一家三口
  • 笑聲笑聲滿載溫馨 快樂永不變改!
  • 哇,你終於做媽媽啦!真係好開心聽到這個消息呀! 想像到你抱住你嘅小寶貝,真係感覺好溫馨。 希望你每一日都充滿喜悅同驚喜,見到你小家庭一天比一天更幸福,真係好開心。 最後,恭喜你榮升為媽媽,願你同你嘅小天使健康快樂!
  • 新春開運,步步高陞,鴻圖大展!
  • 祝您新春快樂身體健康財源滾滾!
  • 萬事如意 闔家平安
  • 恭賀新喜、恭喜發財
  • 財源廣進、大吉大利
  • 年年有餘、步步高升
  • 事事如意、心想事成
  • 萬事如意、一元復始
  • 萬象更新、富貴有餘
  • 團圓有餘、年年有餘
  • 好事圍繞、時來運轉
  • 健康如意、好運常伴
  • 新春大吉!
  • 新春如意吉祥!
  • I wish you all a Happy New Year!
  • To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will always be with you.
  • Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.
  • Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.
  • Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
  • Seasons greetings and best wishes for the New Year.
  • May you have a prosperous and healthy New Year!
  • May the joy and happiness around you today and always.
  • With the compliments of the season.
  • May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.
  • May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.
  • May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.
  • May the seasons joy fill you all the year round.
  • 月圓人團圓,闔家團聚,中秋佳節快樂。
  • 祝賀中秋佳節快樂, 月圓人圓事事圓滿!
  • 花好月圓佳節夜,中秋節快樂。
  • 年年圓滿如意,月月事事順心。
  • 吉祥如意,中秋節快樂。
  • 幸福相依,中秋節快樂。
  • 祝中秋佳節,喜上心頭。
  • 中秋節快樂!身體健康!
  • 月圓人圓花正好,事順業順萬家興
  • 祝樂事連連、闔家團圓,中秋節快樂。
  • 月圓人圓事事團圓, 人順心順事事都順 , 祝福中秋佳節快樂!
  • 祝合作順利事業順心,蒸蒸日上財源廣進,平安喜樂慶中秋!
  • 開心快樂到永遠,中秋節快樂。
  • 君見明月知秋至, 花好月圓賀中秋!
  • Happy Moon Festival!/Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
  • Wishing you and your family a happy Moon Festival.
  • Happy Moon Festival!And may health and happiness be with you.
  • May peace, health, happiness, and joy be with you on Mid-Autumn Festival.
  • To you and your loved ones a health and peace-filled Moon Festival! Cheers to the joyous work and life!
  • Be thankful and cherish our good fortune. May we have a bountiful autumn harvest, a bright moon, and a warm family reunion. Happy Moon Festival!
  • We wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, and may health and happiness be with you all.
  • A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry Mid-Autumn Festival, bliss, and happiness.
  • Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.
  • Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day.
  • 願你有個歡愉的聖誕佳節。
  • 聖誕節快樂!願你平安喜樂。
  • 願聖誕節的祝福讓你充滿希望與快樂!
  • 聖誕佳節愉快,願你的聖誕節充滿愛與歡笑。
  • 感謝一直以來的陪伴與支持,祝聖誕節快樂,佳節愉快!
  • 願聖誕之光普照你的每一個日子,祝平安夜快樂,常保安樂!
  • 祝福聖誕快樂,在新的一年裡有甜有蜜,有富有貴,有滋有味,有安有康。
  • 聖誕快樂, 身體健康, 萬事順利
  • 祝你有個快樂聖誕節,平安健康一整年!
  • 聖誕快樂!希望你的所有願望都能成真。
  • 聖誕快樂,別忘了享受每一天!
  • 聖誕快樂,身體健康,開開心心,心想事成!
  • Best wishes for a joyous Christmas filled with love, happiness and prosperity!!
  • May you have the best Christmas ever.
  • A Christmas wish for my best friend!
  • May your Christmas be filled with love and laughter.
  • May the blessings of Christmas fill you heart with hope and joy!
  • Hope all your Christmas dreams come true.
  • Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year.
  • May your days be merry and bright.
  • Wishing you a very happy Christmas and a safe and healthy all year.
  • Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year.
  • 福海壽山,天賜福壽,福如東海
  • 松柏長春,壽富康寧,慈竹長春
  • 福壽雙全,日月長明,琴瑟百年
  • 壽比南山,松鶴延年,天賜遐齡
  • 富貴壽老,福星高照,琴鶴福仙
  • 福如東海,壽比南山!
  • 生日快樂!
  • 青春常駐!
  • 身健如牛!
  • 一帆風順!
  • 工作順利!
  • 開開心心!
  • 幸福快樂!
  • 心想事成!
  • 笑口常開!
  • 百事可樂!
  • 祝天天開心 日日美麗 心花怒放 幸福滿滿
  • May your day be a delight, your tomorrow shining bright. Happy Birthday to you!
  • May your day be bright and all that is good shine upon you, May all that is happy be filled into your heart. Happy Birthday to you!
  • Hoping all the best things will always come your way. With best wishes on your Birthday!
  • Hope your day is filled with joy and blessings. Happy Birthday!
  • Dear Father, Wishing you good health and happiness on your Birthday!
  • Dear Mother, There is no one like you in all the love and warmth you have given. Happy Birthday with Love!
  • Dear Brother, Wishing you a successful future!
  • Dear Sister, Hoping you will have a wonderful Birthday!
  • 我真係恭喜你呀!
  • 祝你嫁個有錢人
  • 生日快樂! 掂過碌蔗!
  • 祝你擁有女神基因, 成為港女公敵, 生日快樂!
  • 我地既相識就係上天跳掣既一刻! 無論如何, 生日快樂!
  • 親! 生日快樂!
  • 個個都生日, 唔通個個都想生日咩?
  • 個個都返工, 唔通個個都想返工咩, 今年生日就祝你快D退休唔洗做啦!
  • 好女人簡簡單單,好情誼清清爽爽,好緣分地久天長。 祝你美麗壓群芳,善良傳四方,溫柔力無擋,青春一百年!
  • 羨慕你的生日是這樣浪漫,充滿詩情畫意,只希望你的每一天都快樂、健康、美麗,生命需要奮鬥、創造、把握!生日快樂!
  • 在這個特殊的日子裏,我祝你:天天娃哈哈,歲歲樂百事,笑臉美如花,青春惹人誇。生日快樂!
  • 今天生日祝福你,校長日日重視你,病魔一世躲著你,幸福永遠伴隨你,萬事時時順著你!
  • 生活富庶喜盈盈,日子過得甜津津,快快活活樂樂樂,樂樂惠惠喜喜喜!
  • You are getting really old for your age!
  • How do you know you are really the age you think you are? Can you remember your own birth?
  • Aging is hard work, and you've earned another year!
  • I don't believe that it's your birthday. You don't look any older than you did last year.
  • I promise to not make any age related jokes. That's just one gift I'm giving you for your birthday.
  • Stay young at heart, you old soul!
  • I hope you are surprised by an even better birthday than you've ever had.
  • I'm glad to have the opportunity to wish a happy birthday to someone I'm so glad to know.
  • 百年良伴,百年偕老,春稱釐降
  • 君子好逑,縷結同心,鴛鴦福祿
  • 琴瑟在御,如鼓瑟琴,王緣巧合
  • 永遠幸福,吉諧鳳卜,琴瑟和諧
  • 佳兒佳婦,金玉和鳴,百年好合
  • 珠聯璧合,鷥鳳和鳴,神仙眷屬
  • 天作之合,鸞鳳和鳴。
  • 闔家歡樂,雙燕齊飛。
  • 相親相愛,情比海深。
  • 新婚愉快,幸福美滿。
  • 激情永在,永浴愛河。
  • 永結同心,百年好合。
  • 新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜。
  • 新婚之喜!
  • 聯婚之喜!
  • 天作之合!
  • 永浴愛河!
  • 褔祿鴛鴦!
  • 同德同心!
  • 情投意合!
  • 天賜良緣!
  • 心心相印!
  • 才子佳人!
  • 佳偶天成!
  • You two are the prince and princess in a fairy tale and may you live!
  • I will conclude by congratulating the young couple on their marriage and wishing them a long life of happiness together!
  • You two are a perfect match. Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness!
  • May the joy you share on your wedding day be the kind you'll share all along life's way!
  • God bless you and yours and surround you ever with his blessing!
  • May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age!
  • Marriage is a promise for two hearts to give―one word, one love, one life to live. Best wishes? today and always.
  • Love is a dream shared by two. Marriage is the joy of the dream come true. May married life fulfill your dreams. Congratulations!
  • Best wishes for a long and happy married life to you both
  • Congratulations to you, our bride and bridegroom! May every good luck
  • Congratulations to you both and may the years ahead bring you continued joy and contentment
  • Happy Wedding!Blessings fill every house!
  • 祝你們永結同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!
  • 你倆正如童話故事中的王子和公主,祝你們永遠幸福快樂!
  • 相親相愛幸福永,同德同心幸福長。 願你倆情比海深!
  • 祝福你們新婚愉快,幸福美滿,激情永在,白頭偕老!
  • 祝你們永結同心,百年好合!新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!
  • 你們本就是天生一對,地造一雙,而今共偕連理,今後更需彼此寬容、互相照顧,祝福你們!
  • 願你們真誠的相愛之火,如初升的太陽,越久越旺; 讓眾水也不能熄滅,大水也不能淹沒!
  • 遇見一個愛自己並且自己又愛的人不容易,羨慕你嫉妒你,不過最想的還是要好好祝福你,祝新婚快樂,百年好合!
  • 告別單身了,也表示你找到真愛了,身為你的朋友,也真的為你感到高興,祝你新婚快樂,甜甜密密,幸福美滿…恭喜你要結婚了!
  • 告別單身了,也表示你找到真愛了,身為你的朋友,也真的為你感到高興,祝你新婚快樂,甜甜密密,幸福美滿…恭喜你要結婚了!
  • 祝福你們結婚週年,幸福美滿,激情永在,白頭偕老!
  • 祝你們永結同心,百年好合! 新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!
  • 賢伉儷結婚週年紀念!
  • 結婚週年快樂!
  • Happy Anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary! May the years ahead fulfill all your hope!
  • It was love that brought you two together, love that joined your hearts as one. And may you find with each new year your love has just begun!
  • Wedding Anniversary!
  • Happy anniversary to the person I want by my side for whatever may come our way, for the rest of our lives!
  • Each anniversary, it gets a little easier for me to accept the fact that you will be stuck with me for the rest of my life!
  • Today we celebrate your most difficult accomplishment, staying married to me all these years!
  • If I had to choose to do it all over again, I would marry you again... I'm not so sure about having the kids, though!
  • Happy anniversary! Now if I can just remember your birthday this year, I'll be in good shape!
  • I love you for not only who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.
  • May our anniversary reflect all the special moments we've shared and all the wonderful moments to come.
  • I love you with all my heart.
  • Happy anniversary to a wonderful couple, may your love continue to grow.
  • You’re everything to me and I’m grateful to have you as my true soul mate my wife! Happy Anniversary!
  • 遇見你是命運的安排而愛上你是我情不自禁
  • 幸福到永遠
  • 愛到永遠
  • 我真幸運,能在這個世界找到妳
  • 永遠在一起
  • 我的心永遠屬於妳
  • 妳是無人能代替的寶貝
  • 妳是我的唯一
  • Baby let me be The One and Only one貼著你脈搏是那麼的幸運
  • Happy Ever After
  • Love Forever
  • You're precious and treasured
  • Together Forever
  • My heart is yours forever
  • You are my everything
  • I love seeing you happy and my biggest reward is seeing you smile
  • I'm having one of those days that make me realize how lost I'd be without you
  • I will always have this piece of my heart that smiles whenever I think about you
  • Explaining to you how much and why I love you, would be like me describing how water tastes. It's impossible
  • One text from you changes my whole mood
  • I only saw you for a second, but it made my day
  • I may not be a photographer, but I sure can picture us together forever
  • Happy Wedding!Blessings fill every house!
  • 我覺得你真的不是個合格的朋友,你還是改行做我老婆吧!
  • 和你一起總會令我忘記時間的存在。
  • I hope every day you share together is more beautiful than the last! Happy anniversary
  • One year! You made it! Happy first wedding anniversary to a beautiful couple – here’s to many, many more
  • Today, on our anniversary, I want you to know how much I’ve enjoyed annoying you all this time and how excited I am to keep doing it forever
  • To the most beautiful woman who has given me the most beautiful life, a very happy anniversary
  • I want to love you, adore you, take care of you and make you the happiest person there ever was for all of time
  • 我當住咁多人面前同你表白, 證明我有幾愛你啦!
  • 我愛你愛到上晒腦!
  • 520・1314
  • 正如我輕輕的來, 但絕不輕輕的走, 因我愛你!
  • 你的名字, 我的姓氏! 請嫁給我吧!
  • 你是風兒, 我是沙, 證明我們是溶為一體的!
  • 做隻猫, 做隻狗, 都願意做你的情人。
  • 個都結婚, 唔通個個都想結婚咩? 但我就係想同你一生一世! 請嫁給我吧!
  • 如果俾我製造浪漫,我想有一個魔法,可以變走你的瘋狂浪蝶。
  • 如果俾我製造浪漫,我想有一個魔法,可以變走你的觀音兵。
  • 最近好多”愛的流感”,愛就係咁,最緊要有愛。
  • 如果你問我地呢條係咩路?其實真係唔係路, 係漫步人生路。
  • 人們說:愛一個人是不求回報的。但是我卻要你給我回報讓我在有生之年把我的愛全部送給你!
  • 我是你的羅密歐,為你歡喜為你憂,見你微笑心顫抖,想你飯菜難入喉。甘願為你做所有,永遠伴在你左右,情意深深手牽手,愛情一生在心頭。
  • 我非常愛你!雖然你無法體會到我的真心,但是我的心中,你是永遠的唯一的愛人!我已經學會忘了自己,卻無法忘記你。
  • 世界有愛才會溫暖,世界有愛才會有依靠,世界有你才會溫馨,願你能和我一路同行,做一對幸福的路人。
  • 漂亮的讓我面紅的可愛女人, 溫柔的讓我心疼的可愛女人。 透明的讓我感動的可愛女人, 壞壞的讓我瘋狂的可愛女人。 我愛你!
  • 慢慢喜歡你, 慢慢的親密, 慢慢聊自己, 慢慢和你走在一起, 慢慢我想配合你, 慢慢把我給你。
  • 我的眼中只有你 無人像你 不可放棄。
  • 殞石旁的天際 是我的家園, 漆黑的天際 是我的根源, 生存 只因可 為妳生
  • 天主教: (不論男女) 上款 XXX 魂歸天國 / XXX蒙主寵召
  • 天主教 上款 XX 夫君 魂歸天國 下款 妻 XXX 哀輓
  • 天主教 上款 XX 賢妻 魂歸天國 下款 夫 XXX 哀輓
  • 基督教: (不論男女) 上款 XXX 息勞歸主 / XXX 主懷安息
  • 基督教 上款 XX 賢妻 主懷安息 下款 夫 XXX 哀輓
  • 基督教 上款 XX 夫君 主懷安息 下款 妻 XXX 哀輓
  • 中式禮儀: (死者為男性) 上款 XXX 千古 致送者屬 (疏親 / 朋友適用) 上述致送者下款均多用 XXX 敬輓 如長輩送給後輩 (如兄送給弟), 可用 XX 仙遊 若死者為至親, 可用 XX 冥鑒
  • 中式禮儀: (死者為女性) 上款 XXX 靈佑 致送者屬 (疏親 / 朋友適用) 上述致送者下款均多用 XXX 敬輓 如長輩送給後輩 (如兄送給弟), 可用 XX 仙遊 若死者為至親, 可用 XX 冥鑒
  • 上款 岳姑丈 XXX 冥鑒 下款 侄婿 XXX 叩輓
  • 上款 岳父大人 冥鑒 下款 婿 XXX 泣叩 / 泣輓
  • 上款 XXX 夫君 冥鑒 下款 妻 XXX 泣輓
  • 上款 誼父 XXX 冥鑒 下款 誼女 XXX 泣叩
  • 上款 父親大人 冥鑒 下款 孝男 / 孝女 XX 泣叩
  • 上款 母親大人 冥鑒 下款 孝男 / 孝女 XX泣叩
  • 上款 姨母大人 靈佑 下款 姨甥 XXX 拜輓
  • 上款 岳姑母大人 靈右 下款 侄婿 XXX / 侄女 XXX拜輓
  • 上款 姑丈大人 千古 下款 侄 XXX 拜輓
  • 昊靝罔亟!
  • 山高水長!
  • 親恩未報!
  • 永遠懷念!
  • 永念親恩!
  • 難忘手澤!
  • 永憶天倫!
  • 繼承遺志!
  • 克頌先芬!
  • 劬勞未報!
  • 永念親恩!
  • 親恩未報!
  • 難忘淑德!
  • 永記慈恩!
  • 春暉未報!
  • 秋雨添愁!
  • 泰山其頹!
  • 泰山共仰!
  • 岱宗失仰!
  • 丈人囑隕!
  • 泰水西流!
  • 母訓是式!
  • 厥親如母!
  • 痛切孔懷!
  • 雁行折翼!
  • 痛折連枝!
  • 痛斷琴弦!
  • 琴弦音斷!
  • 白頭永訣!
  • 情意難忘!
  • 碩德永昭,德範長昭
  • 道範長昭,英範長存
  • 南極星沉,駕返道山
  • 大德可風,範典永垂
  • 福壽全歸,典型猶在
  • 遺範長存,典型永式
  • 耆年碩德,德業常昭
  • 高山景行,碩德常昭
  • 高風安仰,碩德堪欽
  • 碩德永念,永欽德範
  • 碩德芳徽,痛悼耆賢
  • 五福全歸,德望常昭
  • 斗山安仰,至德流徽
  • 盛德揚芬,清芬裕後
  • 蓮島歸真,德望長流
  • 望重斗山,德皇流微
  • 德儀永昭,書德流徽
  • 碩德大年,鄉邦碩望
  • 老成凋謝,長仰德微
  • 德高望重,碩德者年
  • 高山仰止,碩望高風
  • 山高水長,景仰高風
  • 德重如山,福全德備
  • 南極星沉,年高德邵
  • 哲人其萎,名孚中外
  • 信義及人,品望昭垂
  • 典型尚在,名留千古
  • 古道照人,同高北斗
  • 名垂不朽,典範長存
  • 五福全人,望隆山斗
  • 亦師亦友,才賢其惜
  • 痛失英才,英風猶在
  • 壯志未酬,英年早逝
  • 天妒英才,音容宛在
  • 哲人其萎,天不假年
  • 痛失老成,儀型宛在
  • 老成凋謝,典型足儀
  • 行誼可師,儀型足式
  • 文星遮落,宮為世法
  • 典則空留,功動不朽
  • 雖死猶生,浩氣長存
  • 千秋永訣,教範猶存
  • 德音孔昭,光耀寰宇
  • 德業流芳,懋績永昭
  • 功在鄉國,長才未畫
  • 痛失良友,天不永年
  • 天喪斯文,垂範人間
  • 痛失師長,英靈永在
  • 女宗安仰,懿範永存
  • 駕返瑤池,懿逢長昭
  • 懿範淑德,慈容宛在
  • 巾幗典範,丹管流芬
  • 永懷賢母,音容宛在
  • 妝台月冷,母儀足式
  • 風寒綺閣,繡闇花殘
  • 紫帳風寒,母儀垂範
  • 萱薩長笛,孟母高風
  • 巾幗稱賢,懿德堰欽
  • 相夫有道,持家有則
  • 間閨之師,婺星韜彩
  • 彤雲流芳,懿範長留
  • 寶婺星沉,褔門壽母
  • 駕返瑤地,四德可風
  • 西赴瑤池,淑德流芳
  • 女宗共仰,懿範長存
  • 慈雲西逝,仁慈宛在
  • 慈零失仰,淑德常昭
  • 四德俱全,女史流芳
  • 古之女宗,音容宛在
  • 徽音足式,永念儀型
  • 天娟紅顏,儀型永在
  • 福壽同歸,懿德永昭
  • 坤儀足式,駕鶴西歸
  • 温恭淑慎,壺範猶存
  • 萱董月冷,壺範垂型
  • 慈竹風淒,懿德流芳
  • 福壽全歸
  • 範典永垂
  • 南極星沉
  • 典型猶在
  • 道範長存
  • 碩德常昭
  • 碩德堪欽
  • 返真歸璞
  • 永懷賢母
  • 粧臺月冷
  • 母儀足式
  • 孟母高風
  • 巾幗稱賢
  • 流芳千古
  • 大雅云亡
  • 音容宛在
  • 哲人其萎
  • 天不假年
  • 行誼可師
  • 儀型足式
  • 宮為世法
  • 文星遽落
  • 福壽同歸
  • 駕返瑤池
  • 駕鶴西歸
  • 懿範淑德
  • 寶婺星沉
  • 溫恭淑慎
  • 壺範猶存
  • 壺範垂型
  • 高登蓮品
  • 上品上生
  • 功德圓滿
  • 澤在人間
  • 往生蓮邦
  • 往生極樂
  • 超生極樂
  • 神超淨域
  • 大証如來
  • 人往西升
  • 早登極樂,安返天家
  • 悲願宏深,永生樂土
  • 乘願再來,花開見佛
  • 淨土可期,九品蓮登
  • 圓超五濁,往生西方
  • 接引西方,俯謝娑婆
  • 神遊極樂,往生樂土
  • 神歸極樂,土歸寂光
  • 神壩安養,果證菩提
  • 神歸淨土,生西現瑞
  • 神歸樂國,念佛往生
  • 神歸淨域,欣登彼岸
  • 往生彼岸,蛻然西歸
  • 往生淨土,華開見佛
  • 往生佛國,化生蓮邦
  • Reborin paradise
  • Rebirthin Pure Land
  • Rebirthin Buddha Lands
  • 主懷安息
  • 在主懷抱
  • 天國永生
  • 安息主懷
  • 息勞歸主
  • 魂歸天國
  • 榮歸天國
  • 蒙主寵召
  • 與主偕行
  • 睡主懷中
  • 永光照之
  • 與主永偕
  • 豪主恩加
  • May You Rest in Peace in God‘s Loving Arms
  • May you find comfort in knowing your loved one is with God
  • May God comfort you
  • God Bless his Soul
  • The Unending Bliss of Heaven
  • Eternalheaven
  • 返璞歸真
  • 駕鶴西銹
  • 駕返道山
  • 道範長存
  • 位列仙班
  • 往登淨土
  • 世德流芳
  • 音容宛在
  • 高登樂境
  • 德邵年高
  • 碩彥流芳
  • 古道可風
  • 暢其天遊
  • 馭鶴仙去
  • 鷲參王母
  • 形管流芳
  • 懿訓猶存
  • 瑤關雲寒
  • I was so sorry to hear about your loss/the sad news about your sister.
  • Please accept our deepest sympathies.
  • We are here to support you.
  • This must be so hard for you.
  • It's never easy to lose a parent.
  • We are thinking of you/You are in my thoughts.
  • May care and love of those around you provide comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. My most sincere condolences.
  • Prayers and fond memories are what we must remember our dearly departed. My most heartfelt condolences.
  • Remembering her wonderful and gentle soul will forever remain in our hearts. May she rest in peace.
  • A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. We part with our beloved grandfather in pain.
  • May our Lord bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief. Please accept my sincere condolences.
  • We will never forget you. We will pray for him as he prayed for us. May God give him eternal rest.
  • I am truly sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Please accept our condolences and may our prayers help comfort you.
  • I will never forget his kindness. May God give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain.
  • Some truth in life are hard to accept. Your memories will never be forgotten! Rest in Peace!
  • There are no goodbyes. Where ever you'll be, you'll be in my heart
  • You will forever be in our hearts and dearly missed!
  • May you rest in peace . Our Thoughts are with your family and loved ones.
  • May these flowers serve as an expression of our deepest condolence .
  • 祝早日康復!
  • 你的康復,就是我們的幸福。
  • 風雨過後彩虹現,生病過後身體健!
  • 向你道一聲辛苦了,願你早日康復,恢復健康。
  • 衷心祝願,希望你早日康復,天天都有好心情。
  • 祝你早日康復,好好休息別費神
  • 你身體難受,我們的心裡難過,為了我們,你要打起精神早日康復呀!
  • Get well soon!
  • Thinking of you lots and hoping for your speedy recovery!
  • I heard you were feeling unwell. Here is to wishing you a speedy recovery!
  • These flowers represent hugs and kisses to tell you how I wish you were here, and not on that sick bed. Get well soon!
  • I hate to see you feeling blue so here is my get well wish to you!
  • Praying that you get better soon and experience the joys of being healthy again!
  • No sickness can keep you down with all the prayers I offer for your recovery. Rise up and be strong!
  • We hope you feel better because we miss you so much.
  • Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  • Wishing you the speediest of recoveries.
  • 為了健康,你要開心;為了快樂,你要努力。 希望你明天會更好!
  • 願你早日康復,沒有我在你身邊的日子,你要好好照顧自己! 這是我最大的心願!
  • 生病不可怕,只要信念存,康復不是夢,來日展宏圖;把病魔看作挑戰,把信念當作武器。 祝早日康復!
  • 你的健康,就是我們的幸福;你的安康,就是我們的平安。 你的笑容,就是我們的願望! 朋友 ,真心的祝愿你早日康復!
  • 英才得展,丕展鴻猷,步步高陞
  • 才華卓越,懋績嘉猷,出類拔萃
  • 前程似錦,厥功至偉,維才大略
  • 卓越幹練,嘉惠桑梓,功在鄉閭
  • 政績昭著,奉鏡高懸,頌聲載道
  • 才德咸欽,懋功勛績,青雲直上
  • 永懷堂蔭,德澤宏施,眷懷德政
  • 袍澤情深,懋績可風,眷懷勳績
  • 政績在公,公正廉明,厥功奇偉
  • 勳業永懷,任重道遠,勤業永懷
  • 勳業求垂,任勞任怨,敬業樂群
  • 勤勞卓著,永懷德業,永懷德風
  • 功續永懷,德澤縈懷,功成名立
  • 情誼永懷,勞苦功高,功績卓著
  • 精神永繫,懋績長留,義高品正
  • 摯情永憶,聚情永懷
  • 為民前鋒,基層良首,為民服務
  • 德高望重,德乳眾望,眾望所歸
  • 立德立言,高才碩望,克孚眾望
  • 造福人群,造福桑梓,輔政道民
  • 熱心公益,民主基石,仁聲廣虔
  • 造福家邦,斐聲議壇,促進地方
  • 輔弼議壇,自治楷模,發揚民主
  • 輔政利民,議壇留績,福國利民
  • 為善最樂,博施濟眾
  • 熱心服務,服務以誠
  • 俊才斯展,熱心社務
  • 精誠所至,金石為開
  • 生命有限,學海無涯
  • 百尺竿頭,更進一步
  • 矢志向學,敢於勝利
  • 聚沙成洲,奮發超越
  • 奮力拼搏,披荊斬棘
  • 業精於勤,行成於思
  • 努力奮鬥,勇敢爭先
  • 芬扇藻芹、廣栽桃李
  • 德造群英、澤被學子
  • 望重士林、聲蜚學界
  • 廣教興邦、春風化雨
  • 進德修業、樂育英才
  • 百年大計、百年樹人
  • 育才達德、功宏化育
  • 贊天地化、樹人大業
  • 時雨春風、敷教明倫
  • 教育英才、洙泗高風
  • 芬扇藻芹、功著士林
  • 化雨均霑、教秉尼山
  • 育才一樂、功在化育
  • 為國育才、聲教廣暨
  • 教澤長流、鐸音廣被
  • 春風廣被、作育功深
  • 教事喻德、學海思源
  • 百穫庶徵、英才化育
  • 吉日遷居,萬事如意
  • 鶯遷喬木, 燕入高樓
  • 德賢萬事順, 富吉百年昌
  • 三陽日照平安宅,五福星臨吉慶門
  • 門庭多福, 日月重光
  • 平安傳二字, 和樂在三春
  • 祥光西起, 紫氣東來
  • 祝賀你,搬新家了,願你的生活越過越好!
  • 作品展覽,圓滿成功
  • 墨韻丹青,各擅勝長
  • 巧奪天工,出神入化
  • 賞心悅目,栩栩如生
  • 才藝拔萃,匠心獨造
  • 彩筆生輝,登峰造集
  • 音態俱佳,賞心悅目
  • 文采斐然,筆力千鉤
  • 議論風生
  • 崇學宏論,議論風生